Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What kind of wine glass should you use?

Wine glasses are pretty to look at and fun to drink out of, well actually you could drink wine out of a dixie cup and that would be okay too! But seriously, there is an etiquette to drinking wine. Certain glasses are designed to go with certain types of wine.  

Here’s a brief tutorial:
White Wine Glasses 
White wine glasses vary in shape, but usually have a medium to slightly wide mouth. Some wines require a bit of air, like Chardonnay, so you would want to use a wider mouth to allow more oxygen to enter the glass. Most of the major varieties of white wines don’t need to breathe as much, as a matter of fact a glass with a smaller mouth will do, you want to preserve the “crisp” flavor of the wine.
Red Wine Glasses
I’m sure you’ve noticed that red wine is usually served in wide mouth glasses.  Why you ask?  Because it needs to BREATHE!  Red wine absolutely requires oxidation in order to be enjoyed, without it the wine can be bitter and tannin laden. Red wine glasses often look like bowls with stems, wide open. 
Make sure you read the post on Wine Aerators.
Champagne Flutes
Champagne glasses are usually called flutes (because of the design).  Long, tall, and slender, they are designed to help preserve the “bubble” in Champagne and sparkling wines. When you’re drinking Champagne make sure you hold the flute by the stem, so that you don’t warm it up.  Believe me hot Champagne is not enjoyable.

Sherry Glasses
Sherry glasses are not just for sherry, but pretty much for any wine that has strong aromas. Usually these wines are on the sweet side (i.e. sherry or port).  

The next time you have a few winos' over for a drink, serve them right!


  1. What a great blog, wine gals! We recently went to the wineries in Paso Robles and had a great time. I'll have to read more about what you have to say about wines. I just know I liked so many. :)

  2. I never paid much attention to the types of glasses that the wines were served in. Wine glasses versus flutes, well, that one was obvious. The difference between the wine glasses went unnoticed. Can you say "Just to busy enjoying the wine to notice?!?" I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    BTW, I have been awarded The Versatile Blogger Award and I would like to pass it on to you. Check out my blog: to accept the award. Congratulations.

  3. @Pink Martini - Thanks for stopping, love, love those cookies :-)

    @Robin - Thank you soooo much it's our very first award!!!
